Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Now, a question for you

OK, this is just an intro to what we will be discussing next week:

Please, listen to the clip (apologies for the poor audio):

Then, share your thoughts and ideas with us on the comments section below.

We can't wait to meet you all!


  1. I exactly agree with you. The textbooks I have used with my students have only intercultural tips, but I always (of course if I know about it) try to tell them "this is how it is in real life" even though the books say differently.
    BTW, the video just cut off at the end.

    1. Would you mind mentioning which texbook you use?

    2. Yep. Apologies for the clip's abrupt end. Toni was going to talk about driving in California, when we ran out of memory. I guess we can ask her to tell us face to face this time.
      Regarding the tips and the textbooks, a good option is to encourage students to do their own research (on any topic, not only intercultural awareness). If given proper follow-up, it gives them an incredible sense of achievement. I'm as curious as Toni: which textbook(s) do you use?

    3. Yes,our textbooks that by the way we have been using them for the pas 7 or 8 years do not have enough inter cultural information only tips on some of the units,however I improvise whenever I think is necessary to give the students the correct information about inter cultural issues.

    4. Our textbooks are called CHANNEL DIRECT from MMPublishing

  2. I agree with you, some textbooks only show small pieces of cultural information and others show information which is not updated. As a result students learned facts which are so different in the real life. At DUI, we are using the Channel Direct American Version.

    1. Hi Olympia:
      Thank you for your comment. I've been looking everywhere and I can't find the textbook you mentioned. Do you have more info about it?
      Regarding textbooks, it's true. There's a gap in terms of intercultural awareness that need to be addressed.

    2. Hi, this is daligonzalezgo@gmail.com.mx
      Our textbooks do not have enough information about cultural awareness
      In order to help our students we should research and then we can share the information our students...

  3. I agree with you all, in the textbook that we are using there are a few texts that only mention some important aspects related to the culture of a country, but that information only reach the tip of the iceberg about cultural awareness,and considering that we are preparring people to adapt in this globalized world and be in contact with different cultures, I think we need to reconsider if we are giving them that skill.

  4. Hi!! Everybody I think our textbook has just a few text about culture. What I usually do to introduce the topic we are going to check, I show them pictures, videos, so they get they idea. That way they can open their minds and dream as if they were there in those countries.

  5. The textbook we use is Channel Direct and same as my co-workers, I think that the information there must be updated. In my opinion some of the contents in the books include a certain number of intercultural features in some of its units, having activities which mention: nationalities, Do’s and Don’ts when abroad, International cuisine, geographical features about some places, touristic sites in some countries, languages... If we want to get into some more about any topic or illustrate it better, we have to look for it and bring it to the classroom.

  6. I completely agree with you that English-course books do not face intercultural issues (that is what I am aware of ) and how people should deal in these situations. I am using the same book Channel Direct, and they show grammar, some speaking activities about some situations, and a few readings related to histories... As a teacher, if you have some knowledge about what it is or feels when living abroad, you may tell your students about some intercultural issues...

  7. Thank you for your comments, we will be discussing some of these issues and more during the course.

  8. Hello! I agree. Even though examples and tips in our textbooks are useful, there is not much material on cultural awareness. I have found students really enjoy talking abo u t life in american or british culture.

  9. I agree with my peers with the fact that our textbooks don't have any activities that promote interculture, and the few notes they have are really out of date, and the book too

  10. I agree with you, the coursebooks have little culture tips, but they do not contain enough cutural awareness. I sometimes look for extra cultural information while planning my clases.

  11. A tutor told me once that it´s us who must introduce the intercultural aspect to the class, even though it is not included in the textbook. However, there is not time to do it since the course was designed to be taught in about 80 hours and we have only around 60.

  12. Intercultural awarness is included in our text books, there are plenty of activities in which students are able to have a look of different cultures, for instance in a reading exercise or in a listening activity. Unfortunately our book is very old fashion. This is a pity since students tend to lose interest because of that.

  13. Hi!

    Well as I reflected on the matter I came to the conclusion that the textbook that I use in my class does not offer intercultural awareness. It includes some tips about what you can expect when traveling abroad (ALWAYS London) but in reality it would really help our students avoid some faux paux in their intercultural experience.

  14. Regarding this question, I completely agree with you. It is hard to find the right textbook which contains parts of diversity of culture of other countries to discuss with our students.

    The textbooks we use at DUI, I think that they do not show enough practice for the students to discuss cultural situations. They offer little exposure to these issues and they could easily be changed for more up/dated textbooks which contain parts of culture more deeply.

    That-s my personal opinion.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. While reflecting upon this, I consider that the textbook that we use at DUI, Channel Direct,by H.Q. Mitchell from MM Publications, has various features for cultural awareness. Nevertheles, sometimes the material is not enough to raise cultural awareness in our students.

    However while reflecting I came to the conclusion that there in no perfect textbook because there is not a homogeneus group of students. The needs and the contexts really differ one from another, therefore we cannot base our teaching only on a textbook

    The textbook is only an extra tool that can be used by the teachers and students for the teaching-learning process, but this does not guarantee that it is interesting, that it has the elements required for teaching and this is where teachers need to look for extra material that will enrich the class and will actually help meet the objectives of a lesson.

    For that reason, we need to plan a lesson and select materials that can be useful in the classroom which depends on various aspects of teaching like our own reflection, type of learners, context, the methods that are being used, the lesson being taught and the type of topic.

    All of these aspects need to be considered and included into our teaching practice in order to meet the objectives that we have set up for the class, the learners and our own personal goals. We, as teachers, never cease to learn or to implement new materials. We must always be at vanguard in our teaching practice.

  17. Remember that the textbooks are practical support for students and we can mix them to get a good meaningful learning, but our books need to be updated and have been adapted to the cultural context of our students.

  18. My experience today was to learn more about Intercultural learning and how the USA and oher countries stereotype Mexico also about Racial Paranoia.

  19. I agree with you. Textbooks usually try to stay away from the cultural aspect of language. I think they do this because they would have to create different textbooks depending on the country they are in. This, obviously will not be good for them because it limits the market they are trying to reach. They think one size fits all. However, we as teachers have to adapt the materials and add a cultural aspect of L2 and L1 so students can relate with the experiences and customs

  20. Oour textbooks don't have enough information about cultural awareness, so we should research and then share this infomation our students, in that way everybody will be satisfy...

  21. Yes, I agree that some text books don´t have enough information about cultural awareness. Our textbook has a few lessons, I have to give a little information regarding the country the lesson is about. I ask previous questions before giving the students information. That way I can see how much they know about a particular country.

  22. I think that we need to contextualize cultural awareness as a social issue and not just language related. I want to share an excellent article I found to have a theoretical background and not only tips or anecdotes.

  23. In my opinion, the text books have some cultural information about other cultures but we (teachers) can provide the students with other opportunities to learn more about cultural awareness, which definitly is really necesary when studying a second language.

  24. www.tandfonline.com/doi/.../03075070701794833

  25. Hello, although late, I´ve read the comments, just to add to some of them, not only do we need to update the text book, the entire program needs to be designed all over.

  26. Well if we consider that interculturality refers to the interaction of cultures I do not think that our textbook promotes this. It has some cutural tips or information about countries but the activities have a different purpose, i believe they are not aimed at raising cultural awareness or demonstrate how interculturality takes place.

  27. hi, in my opinion most text books include very few intercultural awareness, which doesn´t mean teachers should not integrate them.

  28. Hello Everybody.
    In my opinion our student's book is so out of date. It does have some cultural awareness but I really think there are some other good textbooks that we could use!

  29. It is true that our texbooks give little information on cultural awareness, yet it is important to encourage students to learn from other cultures through authentic material as magazines, videos or media.

  30. I agree with most of my partners, the books we use (channel Direct) do not offer enough activities to raise cultural awareness. They do have some readings and sections related to different cultures and countries but they do not provide enough information or practice for this purpose. We have to give students follow up activities or videos to increase the awareness.

  31. I absolutely agree that we need text books with more topics about cultural awareness and I also think the books we are using now are out of date. Teacher should look for other sources to present students cultural awareness.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Better late than ever.... I have tried uploading this comment three times..! Let's see if this one is the good one...

    My comment is that there is no textbook that can give us what we want. Our textbooks may not be as updated as we wish but there are a few lessons where some cultural issues are mentioned. Our responsibility is to make our students aware of the differences in people around the globe. They can contribute as well because they are willing to share the information they know more about: music, movies, songs, slangs, technology. So why not asking them to add this knowledge to the lessons?
